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  5. Get The Status Of This Form Or A Field Or The Session

Get The Status Of This Form Or A Field Or The Session

Use this calculation type on a master form to create a definition to test the status of:

  • the data form
  • a field on the data form
  • the current session
For example, you could test the status of the data form to determine if it is a new data form or if it is a deactivated form; test the status of field to determine if it is active or if it has data; test the session to determine if the current active director is the director that created the form.


These are the basic steps to configure this calculation type. Formever will lead you through as you point and click.

  1. Label the definition
  2. Select what source type of status to get
  3. Select what condition to test 
'Get Status of this Form or a Field or the Session' In The List Of Calculation Types

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