Welcome to Formever


 Formever should start out maximized on your desktop when launched.

If not, we recommend that you maximize the window for best results.

To resize the office surface to show more or less of the entire surface (and make everything smaller (or larger)
Hold the Alt key (option on Mac) and use your mouse scroll wheel or track pad to resize.  (or press alt(option)+ to increase and alt(option)- to decrease)
To return to the default magnification use the Alt (option) and 0 (zero) key.

To open and close an item double-click it or zoom it in or out.

To move items:
 - Use the left mouse button on the header area of an item and drag it.
 - Use the right mouse button anywhere on an item and drag it.

To resize (zoom) items:
 - Click on the item. Hold the Control key and use your mouse scroll wheel to resize.
 - Or click the item. Hold the Control key and use the – or + key to resize.

Alt-click (option click) on any object in Formever to get help information. (This feature is still being implemented so it will only work on a few top level objects.

For information on tips and keyboard shortcuts: for Windows click here   for Mac click here


For Formever release notes click here

For videos, tutorials and documentation click here