Designing Client Form

So the first thing Tony needs is a Client Form. To make a new form, find the “Master Forms” widget and double click to open it:

Make sure Master Form creation is unlocked:

The Master Form list can be locked to prevent accidential modification of Master Forms. 

Tony’s company

Master Forms Widget on Desktop

Then click on the “Get Blank Master Form” button to get a fresh form template to work with:


This will open up the designer to the first stage, where you pick what kind of form you are creating, an entity-type, or a transaction-type.

Entity type forms are for things that will persist through time, like a client, or a project, or an asset, etc.

Transaction-type forms are for things that are instantaneous in nature. They are a transaction that takes place in a specific accounting period, and usually have posting implications for the general ledger, such as an invoice, or a payment, or a journal entry, etc.

Click on the blue text to toggle through the choices:

A client form is an entity type form, so we’ll stop on “entity”. Now we need to give our form a name. Click on the space beside “Form Name:” and enter “Clients”:

A client form is an entity type form, so we’ll stop on “entity”. Now we need to give our form a name. Click on the space beside “Form Name:” and enter “Clients”:

Once you’ve named it, click on the blue text, “Click here to continue set up of master form”:

This will open up the Form Design Window. We’re now ready to start customizing the form, which is where we’ll pick up next.