
Formever is based around the use of forms. There are three major types of forms: Master Forms – kind of like a template Data Forms – a copy of a master form that can hold data, a data record Postings Forms – a special hidden form holding data about postings to a General Ledger account.

Selection List

A Selection List is a list of data forms from which you can selection one to open for viewing or editing.  The Selection List also provides a button to create a new blank data form.  Selection lists can present entire data sets (e.g. all Customers) or filtered/sorted data (e.g. Customers with invoices over 60 days … Read more


On the desktop a folder holds zero or more data form selection lists. This is a handy way to group related data forms. E.g. Vendor Related: Vendor, Vendor Invoice, Vendor Payment

Master Forms Selection List

The Master Forms selection list is a list of the master forms used within your Formever business system. The selection list enables creation of new master forms or selection an existing master form for editing. Click on the GET BLANK MASTER FORM button to start designing a new master form. Click on a master form … Read more