Ever Valid Data

Ever Valid Data

With Formever®, keeping your data safe is about more than just encryption and back-up. We also have a deeper level of data security, one that ensures your data remains valid through all changes and updates – what we call “Ever Valid Data.”

There are two kinds of changes that can happen over time:

  • Changes you make to your forms
  • Changes we make to the software

Ever Valid Data means that Formever ensures your data is still usable and protected, regardless of these changes.

Changes You Make

From time to time you may decide to change a form. Whenever you add a field to the Master Form you have to supply a default value. Formever knows to automatically assign the default value to older forms that have already been filed, which you can then update if you choose.

For Example:

Suppose on your client form you have been using a five digit US zip code. Now you would like to start using the “zip + 4” code.

  • Go to the Client Master Form and add a new component to the zip code, i.e. the “plus 4” part. Set the prior period default to “0000”.
  • Moving forward you can enter the full zip + 4 for new clients. You can update some or all of the old forms, but you don’t have to update the old forms if you choose not to.
  • If you run a report that calls up old forms that haven’t been updated yet, Formever will just use the default value, with no choking on “bad” or “missing” fields.

Formever is always tracking what changes were made and when, and doesn’t delete previous versions. This gives you the option “going back in time” and calling up forms or reports as they were in the accounting period you have revisited.

So whatever changes you make to your forms, Formever is set up to always handle them, and to move back and forth in time to whichever version you need in the moment. This “transformability” is mathematically hard-wired into the system, making your data Ever Valid.

Changes We Make

You may be concerned, and rightfully so, about what happens when we release new versions of Formever. Rest Assured! Not only are we committed to maintaining the integrity of your data, the Formever system is set up in such a way that it demands it.

Using our unique Indelibase™ database, Formever constantly steps through the stack of forms, and must read and deal with all forms, no matter when they were authored.

This is essential to the operation of Formever. It is a basic design principle that we must adhere to in all versions. Formever has an internal versioning system that keeps the old data current with software changes. So while data integrity is one of our core design principles, we don’t just want to do it, we have to do it, keeping your data Ever Valid.